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“Ignorance is the root of all evil. We must pull aside the veil of the unknown, whatever the cost may be.”
Victoria Malin

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Comme vous pouvez le constater, il y a encore beaucoup de zones inexplorées dans le coin, mais si vous êtes suffisamment téméraire pour relever le défi, vous pouvez nous aider à faire toute le lumière sur ces secrets.

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Overview Beginner's GuideCampaignParis Hub探险家俱乐部Expeditions领袖同伴著名探险家
Mechanics 骰子挑战战斗交易ItemsTravel休息EncountersEventsClub Competitions成就
Attributes 心智值 Sanity生命值 Health忠诚度 Loyalty岛民关系 Standing经验值 Experience名声 Fame博览会券 Ticket技能AilmentsRelationships
探险领袖 野兽猎人人类学家盗墓人制图师生物分类学家神农药师红旗帮海盗纳瓦人探险家
酒馆招募 大英帝国士兵厨师驴子野战护士猎犬传教士吉普赛商贩水手流浪儿翻译家旅行庸医
Others Club RecruitsHuman NativesSalamandersMole PeoplePack AnimalsBeasts著名探险家Victoria Malin
Overview Settings领袖同伴著名探险家Victoria MalinAct IAct IIAct IIIAct IV
Paris Hub 破碎指南针皇家阿瓦隆俱乐部光明实验室太师学府不法商贩帽商
Expeditions ObjectivesIsland types赞助商Tavern eventsShip shopMap screenTriumph screen
Map/Terrain Island typesRegions地形场所HazardsPrey AnimalsButterfliesMysterious Fog
Zones/Encounters Attention ChanceWandering NativesWildlifeEnemiesTraderRecruiter
Natives StandingTribe TypesVillages • Huts/Outposts • WanderersHostilesRecruits
Provisions 常规物品 First Aid Kit心智值物品 Sanity战斗物品 CombatTonics BoostPoisoned蘑菇 Mushrooms卷轴
Fame Items 宝藏 Treasure战利品 Animal TrophyButterflies Butterfly药草 LeafKino Films
可装备物品 Hand HandBody BodyPack Animal Pack AnimalBeast Beast
The New Director OverviewDirector ModeThe DukeJoobee the truffle hogCharactersPale MaskCorrupted Islands
Highlands of Avalon OverviewCharactersEnemiesItemsHighlands IslandsLocations

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