
Pokewiz讨论 | 贡献2022年4月12日 (二) 13:35的版本 (merge from offical wiki)
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File:Capture d’écran 2021-08-05 221127.png
Companions can have up to 4 loyalty points.
File:Capture d’écran 2021-08-05 221940.png
The loyalty of this character just increased.

Loyalty represents the level of a companion's bond to the player. The maximum level of loyalty is 4 and the minimum 0. Most party members begin with a loyalty level of 2 or 3. A companion who's loyalty drops to 0 will become angry and may abandon you. It will require quick positive action to retain them as a member.

There are some ways to increase a party member's loyalty, with variable levels of effect. These events include:

  • Giving a companion a Native Trinket. (+3)
  • Accepting challenges between companions with a successful dice roll (+1)
  • Taking action in a decision event that supports a companion (+1)
  • Using/Consuming an item that supports a companion's ailment. (+1)
  • Promoting a companion (+1)

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