
AnimalsForWiki 0019 3840x2160-38.png

Hyenas are very common wild animals in Curious Expedition 2. They are some of the easier enemies. Depending on your current difficulty you might fight against a bigger or smaller group of hyenas though.

Stats[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Health Island Type Loot Attacks

Combat Behaviour[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

File:Capture d』écran 2022-01-13 143557.png
Fighting against three hyenas.

Each hyena only attacks once per round. They will randomly either choose the Infectious Bite attack or the Slash attack. Their combat behaviour is very simple and easy to find out.

Combat Strategy[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

The best strategy is to kill them one after the other, so each dead hyena can't attack you anymore. The faster you end combat, the better because you don't want to lose too much health because of Poisoned.

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