Ship shop

Buy provisions from the ship shop to prepare your expedition.

At the beginning of every expedition, you have the opportunity to buy provisions for your trip. Your Sponsor, i.e. the explorer club you chose is giving you Funds Inline20.png to buy what you need.

The ship shop has some recurrent items and a variety of random ones. There are also ship shop items you unlock at the explorer clubs.

Recurrent items[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  • Obj icon firstAid.png First Aid Kit : Heals a character back to maximum health.
  • Obj icon climbingGear.png Climbing Gear : Reduces sanity costs when traveling up hills.
  • Obj icon shovel.png Shovel : Can be used to dig out a treasure.
  • Obj item torch.png Torch : Use to bring light to dark places! Is useful for dice challenges, entering caves and can be used in combat.
  • Obj icon chocolate.png Chocolate : A good sanity item, gives back 10 Sanity points when eaten.
  • Obj icon whisky.png Whisky : A good sanity item, gives back 20 Sanity points when drunk. But can make a trek member alcoholic.

What should you pack?[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Take some torches when you want to explore a lot. You can use them to enter caves or for interesting dice challenges like the secret chamber of shrines. Make also sure to pack enough sanity items like chocolate or whisky for long trips between resting locations. And if you want to avoid combat and you have the opportunity, buy some animal scent.

If on the other hand, you want to fight a lot of enemies, invest in some first aid kits and buy combat items.

If you have alcoholic trek members, take some alcohol to make them happy. That way they will lose less 忠诚度 Loyalty or even gain some. And if you are playing the cartographer and you want to uncover as much as possible of the island, you might be interested in taking some climbing gear and get up hills at a lower sanity cost to have a better viewing distance.

Explorer club ship shop items[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

When you have unlocked ship shop items at the explorer clubs, you will always randomly get some of the unlocked ones.

Lux Labs[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Unlock Rank Required Ticket Cost or Ship Shop Cost Type Description Max Stack
File:Obj icon lemonade.png Lemonade Rank 2 10 Funds Inline20.png Sanity Sanity Bittersweet lemonade, a fabulous delight. Perfected by Lux Labs. 10
File:Obj icon therapyPaddles.png Therapy Paddles Rank 3 10 Funds Inline20.png General First Aid Kit Provides a gentle shock to elevate the mood and prevent quarrelsome behaviour. 1
Obj icon overchargedBattery.png Overcharged Battery Rank 5 8 Funds Inline20.png Combat Combat A Lux Labs battery that has been charged until it is unstable and ready to explode. 10
File:Obj item beacon.png Beacon Rank 6 10 Funds Inline20.png General First Aid Kit Once planted, activates a 10,000-lux light bulb guaranteed to shine for years to come. 5
Obj item electricTorch.png Electric Torch Rank 6 10 Funds Inline20.png General First Aid Kit A powerful handheld electric light. Greatly superior to ordinary torches! 10
Obj icon phonograph.png Phonograph Rank 9 30 Funds Inline20.png General First Aid Kit A hand-cranked phonograph that can play pleasant tunes. Lifts mood, but attracts wildlife. 1
Obj icon electricMegaphone.png Electric Megaphone Rank 10 15 Funds Inline20.png Combat Combat Amplifies your voice and personality. Even the meekest voice comes out roaring like a lion! 1
File:Obj item transporterModule active.png Transporter Module Rank 11 50 Funds Inline20.png General First Aid Kit Use once to place a specially calibrated anchor point. Use a second time to teleport to the anchor. 1
Obj icon electroBarrier.png Electro Barrier Rank 13 10 Funds Inline20.png Combat Combat Creates a shield of PURE ENERGY that repels even the nosiest neighbours! 10

Avalon[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Unlock Rank Required Ticket Cost or Ship Shop Cost Type Description Max Stack
Obj icon tea.png Tea Rank 3 15 Funds Inline20.png Sanity Sanity A teapot and a package of loose-leaf tea. Provides a calming effect that reduces the stress of travelling. 10
Obj icon chakram.png Chakram Rank 5 8 Funds Inline20.png Combat Combat A razor-sharp throwing disc. 10
File:Obj icon waterOfTheLake.png Water of Legend Rank 10 15 Funds Inline20.png General First Aid Kit Rumoured to come from the isle of Avalon itself. Drastically reduces the travel cost of your next trip. 5
Obj icon carrierPigeon.png Heavy Carrier Pigeon Rank 11 10 Funds Inline20.png General First Aid Kit A very large and carefully trained pigeon. Can return items to your ship for safe return to Paris. 5
File:Obj item falseGrail.png False Grail Rank 12 35 Funds Inline20.png General First Aid Kit A holy artefact with powers of healing, but not the True Grail. 1

Taishi[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Unlock Rank Required Ticket Cost or Ship Shop Cost Type Description Max Stack
Obj item scroll fogBurn.png Fog Burn Scroll
Obj item scroll lowerGround.png Earth-Sink Scroll
Obj item scroll raiseGround.png Earth-Raise Scroll
Obj item scroll randomTeleport.png Random Teleportation Scroll
Obj item scroll worldRenewal.png Renewal Scroll
Rank 3 8 Funds Inline20.png Scrolls Can mainly be used to terraform the terrain. 20
File:Obj item fireCrackers.png Firecrackers Rank 5 5 Funds Inline20.png General First Aid Kit A string of small explosives. Scares away anyone nearby. 20
File:Obj item xueDiZi.png Xue Die Zi Rank 6 25 Funds Inline20.png Combat Combat A vicious spinning blade designed to decapitate its victims. Has a chain for easy retrieval. 1
File:Obj item amuletBag.png Amulet Bag Rank 10 10 Funds Inline20.png Combat Combat A bag containing amulets to grant protection from unwanted effects. 8
Obj item moonCakes.png Moon Cake Rank 11 20 Funds Inline20.png Sanity Sanity A delicious round pastry that symbolises wholeness. 10

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