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1.0: Adventure awaits![編輯原始碼]
“ | “We made it! Curious Expedition 2 is leaving Early Access today.” |
January 28, 2020 |
1.0[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
新內容[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- 加入了Steam成就
新更改[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- 沙漠化神殿的災害效果變為與沙塵暴一樣的隨機傳送和消耗天數
- 調整了每一關提升的預算總額,使最終預算不再是奇數。同時提高前期的預算提升
- 巨型陸龜的「移動掩護」骰面現在改為給自身護甲與挑釁
- 蘑菇現在會在信息框中直接顯示使用效果
- 力量蘑菇現在的效果是在戰鬥中提升傷害和負重容量+2
- 力量與忠誠蘑菇現在持續10次旅程
- 對動物裝備進行了一系列輕微調整,讓它們的強度與人類裝備持平
- 提升部分地圖變化效果的性能(例如火山噴發、升地沉地捲軸等)
- 大沙蟲的吞噬攻擊現在不會因為挑釁而對領袖使用
- 遊戲開始的過場畫面現在有特效和動畫了
- 在丟棄物品提示中加入了「長按」字樣,方便玩家理解需要長按鼠標右鍵才能丟棄
- 在選中被鎖定的裝飾物品時,可以直接按返回鍵退出,不過這樣會自動取消選擇
- 重做了兩個舊事件,並給了它們新的骰子挑戰
- 略微提升了在船骸遇到幽靈海盜的幾率
- 新的沙塵暴動畫
- 現在你可以在正式開始探險前多次打開補給船商店進行購買
- 在低難度下給第二章提高了些許心智回復和額外物品
- 斥候小屋的偵測現在不僅會顯示地塊,也會直接揭示地點,讓這一功能更加實用
- 眩暈現在不會再一次同時影響騎乘者和坐騎了
- 降低了製圖和人類學的聲望加成
- 提升了生物分類學的聲望加成
- 蝴蝶現在也能從生物分類學中獲得聲望加成
- Pacifist village now gives 2 shovels and spawns weapon stash on reachable ground only
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- 修復了罕見情況下山洞地圖背景沒有顯示的bug
- 修復了部分物品會渲染在地圖背景邊框的bug
- 修復了還價技能在高等級出現誤差的bug
- 修復了焦油狀態不會在淺水和沼澤被清除的bug
- 修復了低難度下部分冒險開始時會卡死的bug
- 修復了沉沒的神殿在被發現前就開始下沉的bug(同時修復了製圖師任務在有沉沒的神殿時無法完成的bug)
- 修復了在召喚陷阱時有時無法正確給予力量和虛弱效果的bug
- 修復了映像師的加成沒有正確起效的bug
- 修復了地區邊界有時顯示錯誤的bug
- 修復了可狩獵動物有時會生成在同一位置的bug
- 修復了褻瀆/狂信事件有時會錯誤觸發的bug
- 修復了教程探險中的一些UI問題
- 修復了用手柄遊玩時存在的一些問題
- 修復了技能和狀態太多時,圖標會顯示在信息框外的bug
- 修復了部分俱樂部競賽的目標在沒有參賽時也會顯示的bug
- 修復了史前地形的一些圖像上的bug,尤其是火山相關的
- 修復了在進行一些行動時,角色可能會更換名字/長相的bug
- 修復了在管理探險隊界面時,有時文字信息無法閱讀的bug
- 修復了在讀取存檔後,任務目標圖標無法正確現實的bug
- 修復了第四章第一張地圖部分武器不被任務接受的bug
- 修復了大型敵人貼圖模糊的bug
- 凡爾納不會再在和平主義村莊交出自己的手杖
- 修復了地區邊界在換地圖時會顯示錯誤的bug
- 修復了右鍵有時無法取消行程/休息/等待的bug
- 修復了蠑螈人村莊有時會生成在錯誤地點的bug
- 修復了開啟全屏模式時解像度不對的bug
- 修復了日語對「迷霧」的錯誤翻譯
- 修復了戰鬥中部分角色無法正確用鼠標選中和高亮的bug
- 修復了戰鬥信息過多的角色會有部分信息顯示不全的bug
- 修復了部分土著部落會有衝突的土著文化的bug
- 修復了部分村莊休息事件會因為土著關係過低需要付費而無法觸發的bug
- 修復了阿瓦隆俱樂部治療負面疾病的相關問題
- 修復了船骸的幽靈海盜會消失的bug
- 修復了存檔中沒有正確記載打折商品的bug
- 修復了在交易之後會短時間內無法選擇土著狩獵選項的bug
- 第四章第一張地圖的蠑螈人部落不會再是和平主義者,避免了贈送武器任務在進村時被要求不准攜帶武器
- 現在在洞穴地圖中多次使用火把會正確刷新火把狀態的持續時間了
- 修復了一些於埋藏寶藏相關的bug,尤其是許多與尋寶柯基犬有關的
- 修復了有時已經有的隊員職業依然會在部分地點可以招募的bug
- 修復了在褻瀆事件中支付進貢後,憤怒的土著仍然會留在地圖上的bug
- 角色們不會再抱怨高等級廚師製作的料理
- 修復了村莊送禮任務相關的一系列定位與事件觸發的問題
- 第三章中不會再無限生成對手
- 修復了一些技能在高等級時升級沒有正常提升的bug
- 修復了在鼴鼠人村莊招募隊員會直接回到大地圖的bug
- 現在在村莊偷竊失敗不會讓你在劇情主線任務中無法推進
- 現在不能再多次挖掘失蹤探險家的財寶了
- 修復了給予護甲的身體裝備會在提示框中將護甲顯示兩遍的bug
- 修復了第四章中與鼴鼠人戰鬥會降低蠑螈人土著關係的bug
- 修復了護士在高等級時技能有錯誤的bug
- 給一部分物品加上了應有的生物分類學加成
- 修復了一些能生成「無限馬林」的bug,從此馬林永遠只有一個,不能再帶着整整一隊的馬林了
- 修復了升級時的預覽窗口不顯示升級後新骰子的bug
1.0.1[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed tutorial sometimes not properly progressing after triggering the Ancient Machine
- Fixed sometimes not being able to meet village leader in Act 2 Part 1
- Fixed Quack Doctor's buffs not working on the Herbalist (and other buffs against immune characters)
- Fixed shipwreck ghosts not counting for Meet Ghosts achievement
- Fixed double 'Continue' action when meeting thirsty wandering natives
- Fixed some incorrect "Exquisite" treasure fame values
- Fixed being able to not ask the wandering natives in Act 1 Part 1 where the village is
- Fixed party sometimes moonwalking into villages on first contact
- Fixed shaman ritual not taking any days
1.0.2[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Changes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Some harder enemies or enemy groups now show up slightly later in the campaign
- When you agree to let a Pacifist tribe bury your weapons, you now get an objective to dig them up
- Shrine aftermaths now ignore fog when checking that important locations are still reachable
- Made the fog move slower in Act 3 Part 3
- The Street Rat now adds a bonus challenge dice at level 1
- The Shady Dealer now always has a saddle for sale
- Using Annie Oakley's Sharpshooter on Elephants will now anger them
- Temporary Statuses from Shrine Carvings now last for the entire expedition
- The Lodestone item now also increases the Gimbal range as well as Compass accuracy
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed not being able to dismiss or promote characters immediately after some events (like using the Ferry)
- Fixed the rival you can rescue at the end of Act IV Part 2 not getting the "Extra Character" status
- Fixed getting sanity events after a long travel (eg via Ferry)
- Fixed certain zero-sanity events not firing when they should
- Fixed certain sanity/rest events happening when they shouldn't due to low standing
- Fixed getting double XP/standing changes after combat sometimes
- Fixed hunt master sometimes removing the wrong zone
- Fixed combat being stuck when your entire party is at zero health when it begins (now you get a free 1 HP)
- Fixed the cave sometimes not spawning at the end of Act 2 Island 1
- Fixed some expeditions being impossible once you got to -10 standing
- Fixed treasure maps being hidden by the objective display
- Fixed not being able to use the Booby Trap against angry natives
- Fixed the Festering Bite being applied even when the attack is fully blocked
- Fixed the Practical Botany removing Needle Plants from the map
- Fixed Rubberised Waders having an effect when not equipped
- Fixed Improved Treasure not correcting giving extra treasure at levels 7 and 8
- Improved Treasure now correctly grants jewels at level 7 and 8
- The Kongming fan now correctly grants bonus understanding dice in the Missing Missionary expedition
- Fixed inconsistent challenge dice bonuses from certain characters and items
- Fixed Iron Man achievement being awarded incorrectly
- Fixed missing narrator text in various events
- Fixed gaps in the Mysterious Fog once it spreads onto land
- Fixed mounted characters being cut in half during triumph
- Fixed Made Corgi and Hunting Dog bonus dice not being consistent with their tooltips
- Fixed item infobox not updating when the item under the mouse cursor changes
- Fixed various visual issues with drylands landscape during events
- Fixed visual issues with fire visual effects in combat
- Fixed some rounding errors when displaying percentages
- Fixed issues with teleporting when mounting/dismounting in Paris
- Fixed the bug report window changing size while typing in it
- Fixed triumphal crowd having a big gap at the start of the Triumph scene
- Fixed enemy glossary overlapping their action preview in combat
- Fixed incorrect font usage for some numbers in non-latin languages
- Fixed Korean Kinetography summary containing "$val"
- Fixed other ferry stations sometimes not being revealed automatically when you find the first one
- Fixed enemy sailors using retaliation on their allies instead of themselves
- Fixed moonwalking characters
- Fixed club competition scores not fitting in their boxes
- Fixed missing animation for the Vulture ability "Caw of Doom"
- Fixed sometimes getting stuck on a black screen after a dice roll in the tavern before an expedition
- Fixed animals speaking sometimes when you're not insane
- Fixed mounted pack animals not granting extra dice in combat if you are overburdened
- Fixed Shady Trader hub location text being wrong in French
- Fixed incorrect value of Oryx Leather
- Various fixes and improvements to the Escort Shaman quest
- Fixed Pteranodon Skull not correctly receiving its Taxonomy fame bonus
- Fixed some ship-rest events not properly resting
- Fixed for incorrect Korean translation of British Soldier's perk
- Fixed fog shrine aftermath not properly triggering as much fog as intended
- Fixed cavern tiles with Bioluminscent Flies incorrectly hiding the trek
- Fixed the Monolith location overlapping some trees
- Fixed equipped item cooldown not being visible in combat
- Fixed missing controller pointer in Club Shops
- Fixed being taken to the wrong location when the villagers help you kill the monster in Act 4 Part 2
- Fixed the standing markers on the barter bar being missing when going to Trade in the village a second time
- Fixed some events not happening when entering a tile while using the Chronometer
- Fixed the Standing display not being shown during various first contact events
- Fixed the Mole Tinkerer recruit not getting the Tinker Box in some situations
- Fixed issue in the tutorial where Malin would not dance when she should
- Fixed first contact event where you help the natives hunt not working if you don't have any other humans in the party
- Fixed issue where explorer would try and mount both an animal and sit on a crate at the same time
- Fixed visual issues in stone circles in cavern biomes
- Fixed issue where the game wouldn't start if there was an error downloading/applying Club Competition data
- Fixed the fruit-picking first-contact event happening in Caverns where there is no fruit to pick
- Fixed being able to enter the Manage Trek screen while it should be disabled when using a Monolith
- Fixed teleporting cows in some native villages
- Fixed some statuses not being properly removed if you abandon the expedition
- Fixed some items not being properly added after you abandon an expedition
- Fixed Kinetographer getting extra film in each part of a multi-part expedition
- Fixed Famous Explorer equipment being removed if you agree to bury weapons in a Pacifist village
- Fixed characters being able to become a Nagual in the tutorial
- Fixed tavern recruits changing if you back out of confirming them
- Fixed multiple Continue buttons when convincing Moles not to fight in Act 4 Part 1
- Cancelling buying the salamander prince no longer sends you back to the map
- Improved Treasure now correctly grants jewels at level 7 and 8
- The Kongming fan now correctly grants bonus understanding dice in the Missing Missionary expedition
- Annie Oakley's Sharpshooter can no longer target neutral zones
- Fixed Name-No-Match-Flags when entering village with a man/woman friendship
Alpha 13: Dreams of the Polyglot[編輯原始碼]
“ | “Curious Expedition 2 is now also available in French, German, Japanese and Korean! This update also includes several additions, changes and bug fixes.” |
December 17, 2020 |
0.13.0[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
New[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- The entire game is now translated into French, German, Korean and Japanese
- Added many new events triggered by ailments
- Added new tribe trait events, reworked a few existing events
- New hand equipment: Vulture
- Added more tutorials for common elements in the game (mosquitoes, butterflies, sulfur, deserts/water, etc.)
- You can now change campaign difficulty mid-campaign in the tavern
- New village quests to eliminate various elite enemies
- Your inventory is now visible in the Ship Shop (but you can't sell it)
- Added images for the events that play after finishing the game
Changes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- The character promotion & item upgrade preview infoboxes now only display information about things that will change
- Cartography objective now displays a percentage of the total map completion
- Medals in the Difficulty & Explorer selection screens now display your best campaign fame score for that mode/character
- Tar Bog status is now permanent until washed off by resting or walking through water
- Reduced region size very slightly to reduce difficulty a bit
- Salamander Dowser now reveals waterfalls/oases/healing springs rather than water tiles
- All non-story expeditions now have the option to back away from the goal and continue exploring
- Buffed the Kong Ming Fan's bonus
- Electric Megaphone redesigned - this item now provides boost dice on a cooldown in combat
- Most expedition islands can now be generated with up to 5 regions
- Rabies can now be cured in the Avalon club hall
- New parties picked from 1887+ now start with equipment
- Increased speed of compass accuracy gain on Normal/Hard; Easy no longer gets automatic 100% accuracy
- Reduced Distrustful tribe starting standing penalty
- Reduced Herbalist standing cost in village from -2 to -1 when getting herbs
- Robbing Desert Tombs now has a Standing penalty
- Slightly increased budget
- Recruits now have to be confirmed before they're added to your party
- Seashells are now weightless
- Promoting characters now grants +1 loyalty
- Reduced combat xp
- Native enemies now scale with the difficulty mode
- Lux upgrades are now cheaper (they are now always less than the cost of items until you go past max purchasable item level)
- Dice challenges are now a bit easier
- Increased Herb sanity/health/fame
- Various price adjustments on items / equipment
- Slowed down healing on Normal/Hard
- Salamanders/Moles/Human natives now use different price tables for items
- Characters now lose 1 loyalty when you dismiss someone outside of Paris
- Plunder Kit is now usable on the map and no longer goes through an event with an extra click
- Buffed Sandalwood Bracelet / improved presentation of bonuses
- Increased max map difficulty of 1888 and 1889
- Red Berries healing reduced and they no longer cure infection
- All Ferry Stations are now revealed when one is found
- Rival enemies are now easier in Act I and harder later in the game
- The Shennong Herbalist now has a Standing req to gather herbs rather than a Standing cost
- Reduced base ticket reward from expeditions
- Greatly reduced the cost of the Loyalty Bracelet
- Buffed Tiger but made it count as higher Danger
- Beasts now get 2 dice instead of 1
- Nerfed British Soldier dice slightly
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Recruitable Club characters will now actually be available for recruiting in the Tavern
- Retaliation & Counter Attack no longer triggers on dead targets
- Retaliation now triggers when shield absorbed all damage and for hostile buffs
- Fixed flickering on camp fire
- Controller navigation and input is improved in many places
- Characters can now die from tiles that are on fire
- Annie Oakley's Sharpshooter "item" is now added correctly when she joins the party
0.13.1[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed bleeding characters not taking damage when their dice is used to boost
- Fixed freeze when maxing out club level
- Fixed party characters being hidden when they shouldn't in caverns
- Fixed bleeding & curse effects not being applied to characters whose dice are used to boost
- Fixed sanity changes in combat not being notified
- Sealed pyramid key requirements are now also based on the size of the world to prevent rare cases where it was too difficult to find all keys
- Fixed bad character position when riding a mount
- Fixed not being able to interact with zones (eg enemies) when standing on a location
0.13.2[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed Cartographic Survey Fame not being counted sometimes during Triumph
- Fixed being able to dig crystals forever at the Crystal Mine
- Fixed not being able to enter Shaman Hut in some worlds
- Fixed some zones not properly spawning in Act 4 parts 2&3
- Fixed not being able to load some savegames when using Norwegian Windows
- Fixed not being able to interact with Wandering Natives when having low standing
- Fixed being able to interact with zones after they've been removed from the world
0.13.3[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed Stone Circle expedition not completing when there were 5 regions on the map
- Fixed getting stuck in Chasms and the event not putting you back out
- Fixed buttons not being visible if you quickly go to Manage Trek while they're fading in
- Fixed some hub events repeating if you aborted an expedition or changed difficulty
- Fixed events not properly progressing if you Promoted a character while they were happening
- Fixed bug where you could get multiple Victoria Malins
- Fixed possible texture memory leak
- Fixed Volcanoes sometimes missing their textures
- Improved rendering performance of scenes with many characters when at 1080p resolution or lower
0.13.4[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed Buried Pyramid not rising when there were 5 regions on the map
- Fixed Trials and Triangulations not tracking the remaning survey points when there were 5 regions on the map
- Fixed being stuck in combat after Inspecting Dice and then pressing End Turn
- Fixed being stuck in combat when a Sandworm uses Engulf on the explorer due to taunt and then you try and use an item
- Fixed issue in tutorial where Shipwreck couldn't be interacted with
- Fixed combat sometimes not starting properly when triggered directly from events
- Added tutorial marker to Barter tutorial to make it clearer what to do
0.13.5[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed characters walking backwards out of scenes sometimes
- Fixed map not being properly visible when returning from events or loading some savegames
0.13.6[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed map background not being drawn in caves in rare situations
- Fixed rendering artefacts around map background border
- Fixed barter skill not behaving correctly at high levels
- Fixed traveling through shallow river and swamp not clearing tar status
- Fixed freeze that could happen when starting certain expeditions in Easy difficulty
- Fixed Sinking Tower sinking before it was discovered (also fixes cartography checklist not being completable when there's a Sinking Tower)
Alpha 12: The New Explorers[編輯原始碼]
“ | “There's so much new content for you to discover in this update: 4 leader classes, 4 recruitable characters, 2 new famous explorers, plenty of items, equipment, enemies and more... on top of that, another big addition is controller support!” |
November 17, 2020 |
0.12.4[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
New[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Added controller support
- New explorer types that must be unlocked by performing certain tasks
- New leader class: Red Flag Pirate
- New leader class: Nahua Seeker
- New leader class: Taxonomist
- New leader class: Shennong Herbalist
- New hand equipment: Whip
- New hand equipment: Rope
- New hand equipment: Hunting Knife
- New hand equipment: Ornamental Revolver
- New hand equipment: Magma Thrower
- New hand equipment: Coral Bludgeon
- New famous explorer: Wong Fei-hung
- New famous explorer: Sacagawea
- New enemy: Tiger
- New Salamander enemy types: Sea Priest, Claw Master
- New Mole enemy types: Battle Mechanist, Burrower, Headhunter, Tinkerer
- New hazard: Magnetic Mountain
- New shrine aftermath: Volcanoes
- New location: Mole Outpost
- New location: Sinking Shrine
- New recruitable character: Street Rat
- New recruitable character: Mole Tinkerer
- New recruitable character: Mole Headhunter
- New recruitable character: Mole Burrower
- New village quest: Deliver Gift
- New village quest: Dig up Artefact
- New Lux Labs item: Electro Barrier (club levels have been slightly changed to accommodate)
- New items: Cheese, Cow Hide, Metalsmithing Kit, War Horn, Religious Icon, Horse Pelt, Theodolite
- New hub narrative events
- New optional tutorial boxes
Changes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Club Shop items are now split into categories
- Reduced base expedition fame/ticket rewards to emphasize other sources of fame more
- When using the "Wipe Year" death consequence, restarting the year will reset your tickets to the number you had at the beginning of the year, instead of zero
- Reduced difficulty of expeditions in 1886
- Improved pacing of Paris location unlocks
- Recruitable Club characters will sometimes be available for recruiting in the Tavern
- Unused tickets are converted to fame at the end of the Campaign
- Can now sell Equipment at the Shop in Paris for tickets
- Significant retuning of fame rewards - expeditions now grant less tickets/fame, but fame items grant more
- Doubled health bonus of equipment that grants health (Girdle, Harness, Kara Bracelet)
- Late game dice challenges are now a bit easier
- The Sandalwood Bracelet now also changes the sanity threshold where you'll get negative events while resting
- The Giant Crab Pincer is now usable as hand equipment instead of being a fame trophy
- Hunter's Cunning perk now has a limit to how many dice can be rerolled
- Hiking Stick now only reduces per-tile cost partially
- Increased price / upgrade price of Heavy Crates
- The Shipwreck now has a rare special location variant
- Added a reminder to the Ship Shop about the current island's objective and biome
- After completing the campaign, you get medals in the Difficulty Selection and Leader Selection screens
0.12.5[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed some savegames not being loadable
- Fixed some events that could kill a character that shouldn't be killable
- Fixed an issue where some special village enter events would play repeatedly if you exited and re-entered the village
- Fixed problems that could occur if combat ends with the Electro Barrier still up
- Fixed incorrect Electro Barrier positioning and selection with controller
- Fixed getting multiple Tactical Mastery uses in combat sometimes
- Fixed issues in the 2nd island of a multi-island expedition where your trek would walk across the map at the start of the island
- Fixed black screen when starting an expedition sometimes
- Fixed freeze during combat attacks
- Fixed event action buttons not being visible if entering Manage Trek while they were fading in
- Fixed an issue where old saves would be forced to buy an item the first time they entered a club shop after starting the new build
- Fixed Cartography checklist not correctly counting the number of Locations on the map
0.12.6[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed a blocker where you couldn't leave the Club Shop
- Fixed a blocker in Act 2 Island 1 where final location wouldn't spawn if you'd destroyed all Mountains on the map
- Fixed a blocker that would occur if you stole from story-critical villages and then refused to hand over the thief for punishment
- Fixed an issue where you could save and quit in the middle of a Paris Club tutorial and then get a broken savegame
- Fixed a blocker where expedition selection would be locked if you played until the end of 1888 and then quit in the hub without visiting the tavern first
- Fixed an issue where dismounting in Paris could cause game to get into a broken state
- Fixed Strength being removed immediately at the end of the turn (so it didn't work for Counter Attacks)
- Fixed generic Stone Disc appearing in Act 3 Island 3
- Fixed bad combat slot group assignment for Snarfrattle
0.12.7[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed crash when buying Hats
- Fixed a blocker where you could use up club tickets in Taishi or Lux before buying the forced club item
0.12.8[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed issues with equipping Spear in tutorial
- Fixed stash not working during Act IV Part 2
- Fixed crash when Mummy is killed by Coutner Attack
- Fixed Sandworm being able to devour special characters
- Fixed special locations not spawning sometimes like the cave in Act 2 Part 1
0.12.9[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed flickering on camp fire
- Fixed Arbiter not being considered as a human for certain events
- Fixed events sometimes not progressing when you click
Alpha 11: The Engine of Creation[編輯原始碼]
“ | “This update includes the fourth and final story mission, Act IV: The Engine of Creation. There are also new events, tribe types and other content to discover.” |
October 20, 2020 |
0.11.0[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
New[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Added Act IV: The Engine of Creation
- New Explorer Select screen
- New Difficulty Select screen
- Added "Death Consequences" options
- New setting: "Instant Text" that makes event text appear instantly
- New setting: "Fast Rest" that makes resting & waiting happen much faster
- New setting: "Travel Speed" that makes moving on the map faster or slower
- New setting: "Challenge Notifications" that toggles notifications about new club challenges on or off
- New option: "Reset Clubs" to reset all your club progress (available in the main menu only)
- New hand equipment: Parrot
- New tribe type: Distrustful
- New tribe type: Pacifist
- New tribe type: Unisex
- New event type: Dreamscape
- New map zone: Human Exposition Recruiter
- Added hub narrative for 1889
- Lots of new events
Changes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- New combat UI
- New dice challenge UI, including chance display for each required colour and information about how many bonuses are possible
- New map travel UI
- Hovering a character's Promote button will display a preview of the character after promotion
- After an expedition you can look around the map
- Reworked the tribe trait system so that each tribe has a single standout trait instead of combining 3 different ones
- Stunned Panthers no longer do Reroll Retaliation
- Villages become angry more easily now, unless they have the Pacifist trait
- Can no longer interact with locations or zones when party is overfilled with people
- Maps are slightly smaller on "Tourist" difficulty and slightly larger on "Lunatic" difficulty
- Improved art for the Scout Post and Huntmaster locations
- Geo Machine now always has 2 different actions available out of a pool
- Added a congratulations message shown in the main menu when completing the campaign
- Added a display for current fame and total fame this campaign when hovering over the fame bar in Paris
- The shape of an island is revealed at the start of the expedition when in Tourist difficulty (except Caverns)
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed Cartography and Anthropology bonuses that increase the fame for their Studies and Kit items
- Fixed some items not being usable in dice challenges, or being usable but not adding dice
- Fixed not being able to upgrade Curious or Improved items to level 8
- Fixed Caverns map overlay not showing the difference between tiles you have never explored and tiles that you did explore but are now in darkness again
- Fixed Lost Explorer map not generating or not being diggable with shovels
- Fixed Trader being attracted by the Phonograph and interrupting movement
0.11.1[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Changes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Highlighting dice in combat will highlight the owning character
- Dice in combat are now laid out in the same order as characters in the scene
- Reduced spawn frequency of Exposition Recruiter
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed some issues in Act 4 Island 1
0.11.2[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Changes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Elderly status adds +5 to travel cost
- Reworked Exposition Recruiter event flow
- Bonuses and total values are now better separated in item info boxes
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed Impetus status modifier not applying correctly
- Fixed view distance modifiers not applying correctly
- Fixed duplicate characters in Exposition Recruiter event
- Fixed some weird labels showing up in item info boxes
0.11.9[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Changes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Combat actions that must be confirmed without an explicit target can now be confirmed by clicking the attacking character, or an enemy/ally if the attack effects the whole team
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed Club Challenge UI not showing score or clubs
- Fixed combat getting stuck when using an item after changing savegame slot
- Fixed not being able to finish Act 3 (Repair the Ship) sometimes
Alpha 10: The Cost of Greed[編輯原始碼]
“ | “The most notable additions this time are a new story mission (Act III: The Cost of Greed), two new famous explorers (Annie Oakley & Jules Verne) and the introduction of the difficulty modes.” |
September 7, 2020 |
0.10.0[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
New[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Added Act III: The Cost of Greed
- Added Paris narrative events for 1886
- Added difficulty modes
- New expedition type: The Sealed Pyramid
- New famous explorer: Annie Oakley
- New famous explorer: Jules Verne
- New item: Moonshine
- New item: Escape Hook
- New item: Booby Trap
- New item: Loyalty Bracelet
- New item: Fog Burn Scroll
- New item: Thumper
- New location: Geo Machine
- New location: Cave
- New location: Crystal Mine
Changes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Some expeditions will now have a spinning Gimbal instead of the compass: the faster it spins, the closer you are to the goal
- Plunderer has been significantly reworked: they now can no longer rest in villages, but can use treasures to regain sanity
- Horn Flute now gives sanity / increases aggro instead of disabling zones
- Can now click to skip event dice challenge results
- Can no longer sell items to the Ship Shop
- The Moon Stone item now changes the moon phase
- Prey are now shown on the map as little characters instead of icons
- Club Unlocks and Club Shops have been merged into a single screen
- If you particpate in a Club Challenge but don't win, you can now buy the hat at the Hatter rather than at the winning Club
- Once you've completed the story expedition that includes a biome for the first time, that biome type is then unlocked for other campaigns from the beginning
- Lucky Rabbit's Foot now allows for a limit number of dice to be rerolled per turn
- Giant Mushrooms now spawn spores during the full moon that give sanity when passing through (rather than the mushroom collapsing)
- Various UI improvements, including a new Settings menu
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Pyromaniacs can once again start fires randomly as you leave locations
- Fixed bug where interacting with the Palikao Gate in Act 1 did nothing
0.10.1[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Changes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Improved Plateau combat slots placement
- Balance pass on Strength combos, mostly making them a bit weaker
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed a bug where the Animal Bonding rest event would show invalid text
- Fixed missing Cave music
- Fixed game not loading when a character has Jungle Fever
- Fixed characters not playing Injured animation
0.10.2[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Changes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Increased health drain rate while Infected
- Reworked Key Staff Stasis so that it can only be targeted on friendly characters, but heals; also swapped face types for the combos
- Disabled unfinished Abduction event
- Health gain given during resting is now per-day
- Enabled Simplified Chinese (many missing texts though)
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed a bug where Annie Oakley's Trick Shot had no gameplay effect
- Fixed a bug in rest event, where explorer wouldn't recieve Pearls after successful dice challenge
- Fixed a bug where the Keys for the Locked Pyramid couldn't be found in Easy difficulty
- Fixed a bug where the Cenote wasn't spawning in Easy difficulty
- Fixed a bug where abandoning the expedition in Act 3 would end up with a blocker in Paris
- Fixed a bug where it was possible to stop resting/waiting before a single day had passed
0.10.3[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed memory leaks
- Fixed Insanity event chance not being stored in savegames
- Fixed hitches when ending travel
- Fixed enemy positions being wrong in combat
- Fixed sanity events getting no mood
0.10.4[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Reduced memory usage
- Fixed wrong mood being used when combat starts in tutorial
- Fixed game not being saved when interacting with location
- Fixed freeze when entering Old Camp
- Fixed Crystal Mine not yielding new loot after first use
- Fixed Chieftain quest character keeping equipped items
0.10.5[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Changes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Added all Chinese text
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed Electric Beacon map location sprite size
0.10.6[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed loading old savegames not unlocking the explorer clubs
- Fixed Transporter Beacon map location sprite size
- Hopefully fixed vertical text
0.10.7[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed Ferry Turtle taking the party off the map sometimes
- Fixed regular Shrines in Act 3 Island 1 not triggering aftermaths
- Fixed missing Cave location marker in Act 3 Island 1 for final objective
- Fixed Key Staff being in party inventory after Malin leaves party
- Fixed wrong enemies being awakened or put to sleep for Rainbow Orchid expedition
0.10.8[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed some errors in Chinese translation
- Fixed not being able to start an expedition when resuming a campaign saved from Alpha 9
- Fixed Treasure Maps not being generated sometimes
- Fixed character portraits not being visible when first resuming a savegame
- Fixed temporary characters not being removed from the party when returning to Paris
Alpha 9: The Search for the Stolen Staff[編輯原始碼]
“ | “The most notable additions are the Mesoamerican-themed human tribe and a new story mission, but you'll also find several new locations, events, items, characters, animals and hazards.” |
August 11, 2020 |
0.9.0[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
New[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Added Act II: The Missing Director
- New Mesoamerican-themed human tribe type
- New expedition type: Buried Pyramid
- New Avalon character: Treasure Corgi
- New tavern character: Travelling Quack
- New tavern character: Roma Trader
- New pack / prey animal: Oryx
- New rare pack animal: Red Elk
- New map hazard: Mosquitos
- New map feature: Butterflies
- New character: Abomination
- New village quest: Escort the Chieftain to Paris
- New Avalon item: Heavy Carrier Pigeon
- New Archipelago item: Conch Shell
- New location: Altar
- New location: Stone Disc
- New item: Coca Wine
- New item: Tanning Kit
- New item: Pitch Pot
- New body equipment: Heavy Leather Apron
- New body equipment: Lodestone
- Several new events including a full moon village ritual
- Added a confrontation with your rival at the end of Act I and removed the time limit
Changes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- 1886 story mission is now "Act I: The Ruined Gate"
- Giant Mushrooms tiles in the Prehistoric biome cost less sanity to traverse during the full moon
- Improved load times
- Various UI improvements
- When selecting a new party after losing your previous one, the new leader will have a set of random perks
- Aborting an expedition will now skip the Triumph sequence
- Huntmaster and Scout Post locations now send out a zone that replicates their previous gameplay effect
- Island outlines are no longer visible at the beginning of an expedition
- New recruits are now more appropriately levelled
- Wolves now have different aggro range and stronger attacks during the full moon
- Meat is no longer weightless
- Characters that find Meat will now instead find Quail, which are weightless
- Zone movement is now animated
- Standing is now reset at the start of each island
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed ship not spawning sometimes, or spawning inland
- Fixed enemy zone "Sleeping" state not being saved/loaded correctly
- Fixed Promote button being visible when it shouldn't during tutorial
0.9.1[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Changes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Cartographer Shield combo weakened slightly
- Set Tea calm chance to 100%
- Increased light radius of Pitch Pot and Beacon slightly
- Reduced Elixir value from 8 to 5
- Buffed the Mother of Spiders and gave it a higher Danger rating
- Added Stash to cavern exit in Act 2 Island 2
- Switched Salamander Guardian's plain Shield combo to be Targeted Retaliation + Armor
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed a bug where the Scout Post and Huntmaster wouldn't count for the anthropology checklist
- Changed altar default camera to bottom alignment
- Re-enabled Needle Plant shrine aftermath
- Removed confusing/buggy Malin armor status
- Replaced all remaining in-use CE1 icons with CE2 placeholders
- Fixed Betel Nuts combo name
- Added missing boost to Talwar
- Added missing actionText to Alchemist location
- Fixed a bug where the rescued Salamander Prince would thank you every time you left a ruler hut for the rest of the game
- Removed CE1 background from "last entry" death event
- Removed accidental Lux Labs background sfx in the Taishi club hall
- Hooked up Elephant Gun icon
- Fixed a bug where Raptor Hides couldn't be tanned
- Fixed Ferries taking you off the map
- Fixed map movement sounds not playing correctly
- Fixed missing ticket notifications
- Fixed zones not sleeping after fleeing combat sometimes
- Fixed weird items during altar interaction
0.9.2[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Improved map performance
- Malin can no longer by killed by Mosquitos
- Fixed Golden Seal being visible before it should be
- Changed bug-reporting back end so hopefully it's more reliable
0.9.3[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Improved map performance
- Malin can no longer be eaten by Abomination
- Fixed Malin's Tracks sometimes not appearing in Act 2
- Fixed travel particles not being played
- Fixed missing custom cursor
- Fixed triumph crowd in Paris sometimes being visible in the main Paris screen
0.9.4[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Changes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Added Simplified Chinese support
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed hitches when travelling around the map
- Fixed overburden warning not being displayed
0.9.5[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed a memory leak that could lead to crashes
Alpha 8: The Island Before Time[編輯原始碼]
“ | “This update features a brand new prehistoric landscape type with its own set of creatures and items. New locations and events are also included, in addition to several improvements, adjustments and bug fixes.” |
July 14, 2020 |
New[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- New map type: Prehistoric, unlocks in year 1888
- New terrain: Volcanoes, massive mountains that erupt with fire that burns the landscape
- New enemy / companion animal: Raptor
- New enemy: Pteranadon
- New enemy: Giant Bird
- New enemy: Panther
- New enemy: Giant Snake
- New neutral animal: Ankylosaurus
- New prey / pack animal: Parasaurolophus
- New hazard: Giant Wasps
- New location: Dinosaur Nest
- New items: Raptor Claw, Obsidian Spear, Ankylosaur Shield, Obsidian Shard, Amber Goggles, Raptor Coat, Fishing Waders
- New location: Scout Post
- New location: Huntmaster
- New location: Cenote
- New location: Monolith
- New shrine aftermath: Lava Rivers
- New Paris location: The Hatter, where you can change your hat! (replaces the Cosmetics action in the Club Halls)
- Lots of new events
Changes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Many balance changes - in general, the game now is significantly harder in the mid- to late-game
- Tutorial can be skipped now
- Extended tutorial with new sections for promoting characters and boosting dice in combat
- Can now dismiss characters in Paris
- Improved dice-rolling physics
- Added infobox for base move cost and wait cost
- Improved treasure map visuals
- Slow fade-outs of events can now be skipped by clicking
- Hunting Dog ability "Protect the Master" only triggers once
- Clicking an objective that is referencing a known location will center the camera on that location
- Some objectives now display the days remaining when highlighted
- Prey Animals show how long tracks will remain
- Players now get to choose from all 4 explorer types after restarting the campaign
- Added compass to single-location expedition goals
- Club leaders can now chat
- Club ranks are now shared between all savegames; loading an old savegame with higher club ranks will set those ranks to be your new, global ranks
- New "night" map visuals when resting
- The Equipment Dealer now has his own location in Paris
- Most XP now is given to the party as a whole; some events will give XP to a specific character
- You now must manually choose who to promote in the Manage Trek screen
- If a character doesn't have enough of their own XP to be promoted, XP will be taken from the party's shared XP
- New combat music
- Attack animations in combat can be skipped by clicking
- Enemy zones now display a rating of how difficult you can expect combat to be
- Dice that have been cursed by the Mummy now show a Curse effect on the dice
- Characters that are Bleeding now take damage when they try to use an action in combat
- Big Game Hunter now gets a free single attack at the beginning of combat instead of an entire round
- Consumable item attacks now display their boost colour instead of the leader portrait
- Dire Wolf now has a new attack: a chilling howl that depletes sanity and focuses the pack on a single target
- Various combat tuning changes
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed duplicate characters in combat when combat is triggered by an event
- Fixed multiple Walking Sticks causing you to gain sanity while travelling
- Fixed combat buffs not being removed when appropriate
- Fixed Survey Points not being properly set visible in Trials and Triangulations
- Fixed Turtle Ferry sometimes taking you to the wrong place
- Fixed black screen that can happen when the leader dies of an infected wound
0.8.1[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Changes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Removed Shovel special action from shrines since it is used as item bonus now
- Show amount of remaining days in status infobox
- Added info about relationship characters to infobox
- Buffed Sandworm enemy
- Reduced general rate of XP
- Reduced number of required expeditions per year
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed button positions in loot screen so they don't overlap your items
- Fixed burning not working correctly
- Fixed status duration not being displayed
- Fixed relationship status partner not being displayed
- Fixed lead character getting wrongly infected in shrines
- Fixed tiles being free when they shouldn't when Malin is in the party
- Fixed expedition selection screen sometimes not properly starting the expedition or showing any options
- Fixed a rare tutorial blocker where you could lose your native party member by walking into the fog after recruiting
0.8.2[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Changes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Increased equipment value increase by level
- Significantly decreased Lux Labs upgrade cost
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed not being able to start a story expedition with some 0.8 savegames
- Added the missing Parasaurolophus Pack Animal perk
- Fixed getting stuck in combat with Lava Crocodile
- Fixed incorrect XP being loaded in some cases
0.8.3[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Changes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Monolith should only teleport to reachable areas
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed characters losing loyalty when promoted at 3 or 4 loyalty
- Disabled Dead Friend Memorial event until bug is fixed
Alpha 7: Steam Early Access![編輯原始碼]
“ | “Curious Expedition 2 is now available on Early Access!” |
June 17, 2020 |
0.7.6[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
New[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Added intro mission / tutorial
- Added first Campaign story expedition
- New location: Meteor impact
Changes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- New art for explorer classes: Anthropologist, Cartographer
- Many minor polish improvements and tweaks
0.7.7[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Changes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Reduced screen transition times (fade-to/from-black) significantly
- Added a help feedback box for equipping
- Show version number in main menu
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed getting stuck in tutorial when equipping Spear really quick
- Fixed a rare bug causing immediate game over on certain combats
- Fixed Discord link on bug button
- Fixed a few wrong character positions in events
- Fixed a few badly-behaving events
- Fixed a bug where pressing ESC dismisses the initial Early Access info box
- Fixed issues when gamepad was attached while playing game
0.7.8[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed not being able to equip or fight after overburden warning showed up
- Fixed some overly long or missing description texts
0.7.9[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Changes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Improved feedback messaging for when equipping item is not allowed
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed not being able equip anymore after modifying Famous Explorer items
- Fixed some font rendering issues
- Fixed black screen crash in Paris bar location
- Fixed occurence of character not getting a proper name
- Fixed crash for certain character configurations
- Fixed crash when loading a profile
- Fixed a few wrong icons in tutorial
0.7.10[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Changes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Added Tent item to Ship Shop and Trader
- Reduced sanity gain from Meat item
- Reduced trading value of Meat and Fish
- Disabled Carrier Pigeon and Claw status for now until we have reworked them
- The Shaman will no longer sell hand equipment in the tutorial
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed some occasions of game getting stuck when triggering zero-sanity tutorial
- Fixed Snarfrattle quest costing you standing for killing her
- Fixed Lost Explorer location being visitable infinite times
- Fixed floating beer foam
- Fixed game getting stuck when opening settings during dice rolling
- Fixed wrong Pyramid type being spawned
- Fixed double spawning for Ancient Machine in tutorial
- Fixed phantom question marks in second island of an expedition
- Fixed Weather Balloons not revealing locations
0.7.11[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Changes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Whenever the game saves, a backup is created first of the existing savegame
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed issue where the tutorial wouldn't progress if you had a Turkish windows system
- Fixed issue where no savegames could be loaded if there was a corrupted savegame
- Fixed issue where combat wouldn't properly start
0.7.12[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed issue where you couldn't drop items if you had a Turkish windows system
- The Forsaken aftermath is disabled for Act 1
Alpha 6: The Academy's Challenge[編輯原始碼]
“ | “The final explorer club has arrived at the expo: the Taishi Academy. This mysterious organization seeks to uncover the hidden secrets beyond ordinary reality...” |
April 21, 2020 |
0.6[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
New[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- New Explorer Club: The Taishi Academy
- Added online Club Challenges
- New Taishi character: Taoist Monk
- New Taishi character: Academy Master
- New enemy: Giant Centipede
- New Tashi items / gear
- Many new / improved events
Changes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Items can now be used in event challenges to add extra dice
- Major visual improvements to Triumph screen
- Added Saddle variants
- New Barter/Loot UI layout
- Various UI tweaks and improvements
- Many new sound effects and pieces of music
- Tweaked character infobox layout
- Prey Animal design change: these no longer leave tracks, but instead are unidentified until you come close
- Prey Animals automatically move to a new location if not approached within a set time
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- The "Prove the Existence of the Monster" and "Guarded Treasure" expedition types are now completable
Alpha 5: Caverns of the Mole People[編輯原始碼]
“ | “Explore the mysterious new landscape type: Caverns. Don't forget to bring a light!” |
March 17, 2020 |
0.5[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
New[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- New map type: Caverns
- New tribe type: Moles
- New enemy: Giant Bat
- New Cavern / Mole-related items
- New Archipelago / Salamander-related items
Changes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Pack Animals can now be mounted for an additional dice - just find a Saddle and equip it on the animal
- Dice now have different effects on the same dice
- Items with dice now have an Inspect mode - right-click to get info about the dice faces
- To drop items (or move a whole stack in Barter), hold right-click (instead of single-click)
- Characters now stand in water instead of on it
- Added a News box to the main menu
- Various other UI improvements
Alpha 4: Mystery of the Salamander Isles[編輯原始碼]
“ | “Ride massive sea turtles between the scattered islands of an all-new landscape type: the Archipelago.” |
February 19, 2020 |
0.4[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
New[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- New map type: Archipelago
- New tribe type: Salamanders
- New leader class: Cartographer
- New map feature: Prey Animal
- New neutral animal: Elephant
- New enemy: Giant Crab
- New pack animal: Giant Tortoise
- New tavern character: Cook
- Several new rest and insanity events
Changes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Big Game Hunter has been upgraded and reworked to be a leader class
- Characters now level up automatically without a pop-up
- Added multiple save slots
- Started pass on major UI improvements
- Expedition goals and side-quests are now tracked in the map UI
- Various event reworks and polish improvements
- All characters can now cook Meat (but Cooks produce higher-quality cooked meat)
- Clever Trap combat ability now places a trap on the ground that triggers once when another character is attacked
- Characters now level up more slowly
- Certain core items are now never on sale
- Many new musical themes and sound effects
- Marbles item is now significantly less powerful (more expensive / less of a trading markup)
- Improved look of Swamp tiles
- Add visual feedback for characters affected by Tar Bogs
- Treasure Hunter renamed to Plunderer to prevent confusion with the Big Game Hunter
- Combat consumable items can now be boosted
- Sandstorms are now much more visible
- Added color variants for leader classes
Alpha 3: Bird & Fawcett[編輯原始碼]
“ | “This release introduces famous explorers Isabella Bird & Percy Fawcett, new characters & treasures.” |
January 22, 2020 |
0.3[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
New[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- New character type: Famous Explorers
- New famous explorer: Percy Fawcett
- New famous explorer: Isabella Bird
- New Avalon character: Big Game Hunter
- New Lux Labs character: Kinetographer
- New rest events for Friendship and Hatred
Changes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Anthropologist core mechanic reworked - now based on completing a randomized checklist of native interactions
- Buffed Protective Charm
- Improved dimensional fog visuals
- Cost for upgrading items at Lux Labs now scales with item power
- Location marker is no longer shown if a location can't be visited
- Improved dice rolling physics
- Club Shop expo ticket costs now have variable amounts
- Players are now automatically prompted to promote their characters
- Starting character XP is now randomized
- Some characters are now immune to certain status effects (Stun, Poison, etc.)
- Lots of new tile stamps for locations
- Removed Binoculars from Ship Shop
- Players can now leave most goal locations instead of being forced to finish the island instantly
- Shamanic Staff now buffs damage instead of heal/shield to reduce overlap with main Shaman ability
- Damage-over-time combat effects now split into Poison, Bleeding and Burning types
- Mummy is now immune to Poison and Bleeding
- Sandworm is now immune to Stun
- British Hunter's Gun Expert ability is now percentage based
- Pith Helmet now provides Armor in combat
- Improved Baby Spider hatching visuals
- Map info boxes now split between tile/character/location
- New sound effects and music for various locations
Bug Fixes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- Fixed items disappearing when unequipping them
Alpha 2: Shifting Sands[編輯原始碼]
“ | “The Drylands are harsh and unforgiving... Survive petrified forests, tar bogs, and barren deserts. Don't forget to bring water!” |
December 18, 2019 |
0.2[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
New[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- New map type: Drylands
- New tavern character: Missionary
- New enemy: Mummy
- New enemy: Giant Scorpion
- New enemy: Sandworm
- New Animal equipment