Status Effects


Status effects are combat effects that provide either a "buff", a positive effect, or a "debuff" with a negative effect to an enemy or character in combat. Most status effects last for one turn, and will state otherwise on the status effect description if not. Buffs provided by equipment or perks are permanent. Status effects can be applied through a number of means including certain actions on combat or equipment die, enemy attacks, and consumable combat items. Any status effects on an enemy or ally can be viewed by hovering the mouse over them in combat.

Combat where both allies and enemies have status effects applied to them

Buffs[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Heal[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Heal Inline15.png restores the health of the target(s) for the number listed. Healing from combat die cannot be used outside of combat. However, if you can eliminate all but one weak enemy that you can consistently either fully block with shield Shield or can fully Stun Stun, and as long as the Fighting Spirit is high enough that you don't lose 心智值 Sanity then it can be a good idea to stall combat for a few turns to heal up your trek members.

Revive[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Revive will bring a character at 0 生命值 Health back to the amount listed.

File:AdrenalineSyringe combatEffect.jpg
Adrenaline Syringe revives a character to 10 生命值 Health and up to 70 生命值 Health with boosts.

Shield[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Shield Shield sets up a shield for the whole trek. Every enemy attack first goes into the shield, only dealing damage and applying debuffs to the trek members after the shield is depleted. Any extra damage over the shield value will break though and hit the intended target. For example: If you currently have 10 shield and an enemy attacks one of you allies for 15 Damage Damage, then 10 of it would be blocked and you ally would lose 5 生命值 Health.

File:ProtectiveTotem combatEffect.jpg
Protective Totem provides +10 shield Shield and up to +55 with boosts.

Strength[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

increases all damage dealt by the affected ally or enemy by the listed percentage.

File:StimulantCapsules combatEffect.jpg
Stimulant Capsules provide +25% strength and up to +130% with boosts.
File:Strength combatEffectDescription.jpg
In game description for strength.

Armour[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

護甲 Armour decreases all damage taken by the affected ally or enemy by the listed percentage.

File:Armour combatEffectDescription.jpg
In game description for armour.

Taunt[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Taunt Taunt redirects all incoming enemy attacks to taunted character. Higher taunt values increase the number of turns.

File:Bait combatEffect.jpg
Bait applies taunt Taunt 2 to target ally. For the next 2 turns, all enemy attacks will target selected ally.
File:Taunt combatEffectDescription.jpg
In game description for taunt.

Untargetable[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Untargetable makes the affected unit untargetable by enemy attacks for the listed number of rounds.

File:SmokeSatchel combatEffect.jpg
Smoke Satchel makes one ally untargetable for one round.
File:Untargetable combatEffectDescription.jpg
In game description for untargetable.

Counter Attack[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Counter Attack is a reactionary buff. It deals Damage Damage equal to the counter attack damage to the next enemy that attacks one of your trek members. Will not trigger if all enemy attacks are skipped with stuns Stun or the enemy cannot otherwise attack. It will still trigger if the attack is fully blocked with shield Shield.

File:ProtectTheMaster combatEffect.jpg
The next time an enemy attacks, Protect the Master deals 11 Damage Damage to that enemy. This can be boosted by +16 for a total of 27 counter attack damage.
File:CounterAttack combatEffectDescription.jpg
In game description for counter attack.
File:CounterAttack combatExample.jpg
Counter attack triggering in response to an enemy attack.

Retaliation[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Retaliation is a reactionary buff. Whenever the character or enemy with retaliation is attacked, they deal Damage Damage equal to the retaliation value back to that enemy. This works well with taunt Taunt to guarantee the enemy targets the character with retaliation.

File:PlantSpear combatEffect.jpg
In game description for retaliation.
File:Retaliation combatEffectDescription.jpg
In game description for retaliation.

Debuffs[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Stun[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

stun Stun prevents the next attack(s) that the enemy tries to take for one turn. Stunning an enemy multiple times can prevent multiple attacks if they were preparing more than one in a single turn.

When applied to the leader or a companion, one of that character's die get a stun effect applied to it. Stunned die cannot be used for one turn.

File:CrackingWallop combatEffect.jpg
Cracking wallop has a base 25% chance to stun Stun 1 an enemy as well as do Damage Damage. The chance to stun and damage can be increased by boosting.
File:Stun combatEffectDescription.jpg
In game description for stun.
File:Stun combatEffectExamplePlayer.jpg
Stunned die cannot be used for one turn.

Weakness[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Weakness Weakness decreased the damage dealt by the affected ally or enemy by the percentage listed.

File:Weakness combatEffectDescription.jpg
In game description for weakness.

Vulnerable[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Vulnerable Vulnerable increases the damage taken by affected ally or enemy by percentage listed.

File:FlashPowder combatEffect.jpg
Flash Powder applies +20% vulnerable Vulnerable to an enemy. The effect can be increased by boosting up to +110% extra damage taken.
File:Vulnerable combatEffectDescription.jpg
In game description for stun.
File:Vulnerable combatEffectExample.jpg
Two enemies affected by vulnerable in combat.

Burning[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Burning Burning deals damage at the end of the affected character or enemy's turn, dealing damage equal to it's value to them and then reducing the burning value by one. The target is no longer burning when the value reaches zero.

For example: The torch inflicts burning Burning 5 to an enemy. At the end of the enemy's next turn, after they attack (or pass if stunned), they take 5 damage and the burning value reduces to 4. Then your next turn will occur and again, after the enemy takes their turn, they will then take 4 damage and the burning value will be 3. And so on...

File:Torch combatEffect.jpg
Torch inflicts burning Burning 5 on the enemy. This can be boosted up to a maximum of 32.
File:Burning combatEffectDescription.jpg
In game description for burning.

Bleeding[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Bleeding Bleeding deals damage to a character or enemy equal to the bleed value every time an enemy takes an action or attacks. This will not activate if an enemy was stunned Stun and skipped their attack. This is more effective against enemies who are using multiple attacks in a round.

When applied to the leader or a companion, that character's die get a bleeding effect. Every time an affected die action is used or if the die is used to boost another die action, the afflicted character will take the amount of damage equal to the value of the bleed effect.

File:SicEm combatEffect.jpg
Sic 'Em inflicts 6 base Damage Damage. This can be boosted to also apply +9 bleeding Bleeding.
File:Bleeding combatEffectDescription.jpg
In game description for bleeding.

Poison[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Poisoned deals damage at the end of the affected character or enemy's turn, dealing damage equal to it's value to them. The effect lasts until combat ends and additional poison stacks.

File:Poison combatEffectDescription.jpg
In game description for poison.

Interactions[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

In the case where a character who is buffed with bonus is targeting an enemy who is vulnerable Vulnerable, the bonuses stack multiplicatively. Take the below example: The big game hunter is using a fully boosted Cracking Wallop for 40 base Damage Damage. They are dealing a bonus 16 Damage Damage from their +41% damage bonus (the first green number next to the base damage). Then another bonus 8 Damage Damage by targeting the Guardian Wolf with +14% vulnerable Vulnerable.

File:WeakVulnerable combatEffect.jpg